Saturday, July 13, 2013

Genea-Musings: Saturday Night Genealogy Fun (SNGF) - The Date Your Father Was Born

Genea-Musings: Saturday Night Genealogy Fun (SNGF) - The Date Your Father Was Born

Genea-musing's Saturday Night Fun.  My father was born on Tuesday, October 31, 1905 in Jersey City, NJ.  Teddy Roosevelt was president and a 1st class stamp cost 2 cents.  On this day in 1846, the Donner Party was trapped in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.  In 1941, Mount Rushmore was declared completed.

Other people born on Oct. 31: Chaing Kai-sheck, Dan Rather and John Keats.  My father seems to be the most important thing that happened on this day in 1905.  Halloween seems to be a day when the world doesn't want to irritate the spirits or they are trying to figure out what to wear to the Halloween party.
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